Hi, I’m Jill 👋

I offer design lovers a spiritual approach to home decor using my signature blend of design thinking & energy healing.

Because when you create space for your authentic self to thrive, every part of your life starts to feel like home.



My mission is to help you own your energy

by helping you design a balanced and nurturing energetic environment, both inside and out.



Expand your comfort zone

When you beautify the places in your thoughts, your home, and your life that need care and attention, your time, money, and energy more easily flow toward your creative ambitions.



Meet Jill

As a designer-turned-energy-healer, I believe design can be a tool that anyone can use to create an intentional life.

I’m here to help you shorten the distance between your intentions and your reality, using my signature combination of design thinking & energy healing.

With a 15 years as a solo-preneur, a successful graphic design studio and several energy work certifications under my belt, I’m thrilled to share my method to get you on the path to your own independent creative life.



Join Me

Let’s make space for your true self to thrive, so that you can feel at home in every part of your life.